From Seth

Hi Betsy,
A few years back my girlfriend revealed that she had lung cancer and needed to break up with me so she can take care of herself. She was a very spiritual person and did not believe in chemotherapy or radiation. She had a holistic doctor and felt she could battle the cancer through eating healthy, positive energy and an active lifestyle. I supported her for a long time as a friend and never interfered with her decisions. Just recently she passed away as the cancer had spread. I am pretty devastated about it all and now that she is gone far too young, I feel incredible regret that I didn’t push her to seek appropriate treatment. Do you believe that I did the right thing in letting her handle her fate? With the advancement in technology these days, she could have been saved or lived much longer. Instead she was insistent she’d never poison her body. Could I have done anything differently? Thank you for your advice.

Hi Seth, thank you for your message. First I’m sorry for the loss of your friend. I Believe our paths on earth were created before we got here. That’s just what I came into this world believing. There is a book called “Sacred Contracts” by Caroline Myss you could read or listen to if you want more information about this understanding. I think we pick our family and friends for our evolution and growth on earth in this lifetime and with this in mind I’m guessing she picked you to be your compassionate self instead of pushing your views on her while she went through a very difficult time. I also don’t believe in mistakes. I think we are all doing the best we can in every moment and I’m sure you did the best you could given what you knew about her condition and her wish to handle things in her way. Beating yourself up or thinking what if isn’t going to make you feel good and it’s already done, so what would be the point? Do your best to stay and live in the moment. Also very important to forgive yourself for any judgment you’ve made that you’ve done anything wrong. We just don’t know do we? (you can do this by getting quiet, putting your hand on your heart if you want and saying “I forgive myself for judging myself as a bad friend”etc.) You could have very well been her angel. Good luck and take good care!

Betsy Russell